Friday, June 1, 2012

We are at T-minus 10 Days People!

10 days from now I'll be in Nebraska er- scratch that...I'll be HEADED to Nebraska. Yep. I am looking down the barrel of a 3 day car ride complete with 2 children and a 5 month old. Yahoo, I can't wait. No really. I can't wait. My feet are lonely. And I by that, I mean my feet miss my husband, especially at night time because we do this thing where my foot fits perfectly in the spot just below his ankle.  I've fallen asleep many a night with my foot securely in that soft, perfect spot. I am seriously excited thinking that in a few days (give or take 13) I get to play footsies with the cutest guy I know.  


  1. I am excited for you, but sad for me...

    1. We are excited and sad as well. I really believe you were right when you said this is going to be good for us. We are going to do everything we can to stay close to our family back home! Love you <3
